Capacity Strengthening for Changemakers

The project’s overall objective is for the partner organization (Teach the Child initiative) and their leader to develop competencies and skills that can make them more effective, sustainable and thrive in a fast-changing world. The aim objective is also to ensure the staff of the organization and public-school educators have a clear understanding of Inclusive education and the use of the TaRL approach in 21st-century teaching for improved educational outcomes in young learners.

The project duration will be of three months funded by Danish Civil Society in Development (CISU) during which time the project implementation activities will be locally carried out by our Teach for Child partners. The Capacity Strengthening for Change-makers comprises of 3 days’ workshop in Copenhagen facilitated by Crossing Borders on Organization development and non-formal education methodologies and a 3-day workshop in Nigeria to equip the staff of Teach the Child Initiative and public-school educators with the tools necessary to improve learning outcomes in young learners, particularly those who attend public education institutions. This exercise will influence every other project implemented that target contributing to the achievement of goal 4 of the Sustainable Development Goals -Quality Education.

We have kick started the project on 9 January 2023 on zoom with the participation of Crossing Borders and Teach the Child. Stay tuned to see more exciting updates from this project!