We are glad to invite your school for Crossing Borders (CB) school workshop under the project Food for Thought funded by Nordic Culture Point.
The main purpose of the project is to strengthen young people’s knowledge and develop skills about Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially with focus on SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being and SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production.
This project is motivated by CB strong ambition to contribute toward the achievement of the 2030 global agenda. The project motivation also stems from CB strong belief in the crucial role of education as the most suitable space toward the inclusion of young people, parents, educators, schools and the whole community to contribute to the SDGS Agenda.
The workshops will be developed, designed and run by CB international facilitators with various background: students of Global Nutrition and Health, Global Migration Studies, Environmental experts, Eco entrepreneurs, non-formal educators and trainers.
Using Food for Though workshop model students will develop skills to better understand themselves, society, and the wider world. That is how we empower young people to become more active and take responsibility in the world they live in both locally and globally.
Expected results are:
• Raised awareness on the SDGS in schools and local communities.
• Raised awareness among young people about responsible consumption and production, public health, and the vital role of healthy food in education.
• Students inclusion in the 2030 agenda efforts.
• Communication, collaboration, and presentation skills among the students.
• Fostering action learning in the partner schools.
• Engaging and activating students and community members.
More information about workshop and how to apply:
– Period to implement workshop: September 2020 to February 2021.
– Every workshop last 3-4 hours and start time will be agreed with the school.
– Number of participants: 20 – 60 students.
– Cost of workshop: workshop is free of charge.
– The selection procedure is – first come first serve.
– Conditions to apply: become Crossing Borders member.
– All CB workshops and events are organized following the recommendations and rules by Danish Health Authorities.
If you are interested to apply please write to tatjana@crossingborders.dk and book your Food for Thought workshop.