Expanding Crossing Borders Youth Democracy Hubs in Ukraine
We at Crossing Borders are truly delighted to announce the launch of our new Democracy Hubs Ukraine project funded by the New Democracy Fund under International Media Support and our Ukrainian partner Klitschko Foundation.

The purpose of the Democracy Hubs in Ukraine is to facilitate the development of a democratic culture, communication, dialogue, debate skills, respect for human rights, and active citizenship among youth in four selected regions across Ukraine. The new project builds and expands on the fruitful partnership between Crossing Borders and Klitschko Foundation in the democracy hub for youth in the capital with a grant from the Danish Civil Society Fund since December 2020.

The core of the project is to provide spaces, capacity building, and coaching for Ukrainian youth to set up, manage and further develop inclusive democracy hubs with training, seminars, workshops, online courses, regional debate camps, community cafés, and exchange with fellow Danish youth. At least 120 youth are expected to be directly part of this project as participants and leaders of the Hubs in Chernigiv, Kharkiv, Kherson, and Rivne. The project aim is expected to expand and strengthen Danish-Ukrainian partnerships in relevant fields.
Thus, Crossing Borders and Klitschko Foundation are eagerly looking forward to kicking off the project activities together with Ukrainian and Danish youth.
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