Eric Clarke
My very first contact with Crossing Borders was in January 2017. I was introduced by a friend and it was the very first time that I had the opportunity to express my experience about my achievement via my cleaning company, Gilbert Ecological Cleaning. It was a fantastic feeling that I could talk about my work as the owner of my company. I thank Crossing Borders for this wonderful opportunity. I was truly impressed by the fantastic mission that Garba Diallo took upon himself by making a difference to work for such a great cause by bringing different cultures together under one roof. My country of birth is Trinidad and Tobago, but currently, I live in Malmo, Sweden. As a citizen of Sweden, my interest is to contribute to the best of my ability to make a difference in society. Toward this, in 2010, I establish an Ecological Cleaning Company, which I am very proud of. In 2017, I got an award for sustainability in Malmo. Of course, it was hard work to accomplish my goals; but I was determined to accomplish my dreams. Because I believe in this cause for myself and my brothers and sisters. My motivation to become Crossing Borders national coordinator stems from the fact that the organization provides opportunities where people can share their stories, experiences, express vie points and dreams. CB also enables to support each other others to stand up for the right causes. Personally, I feel that Crossing Borders is a home that you don’t have to feel alone as the name stands for what it means. Therefore, Crossing Borders is an inspiration to young people to make them feel that they have value in society and can contribute in a very positive manner. It is a platform for people to develop creatively. This is precisely my reason for wanting to be a coordinator, as I want to connect to people and to motivate them from my experience to be responsible and respectable citizens of the world. My vision for Crossing Borders is to my very best, through the organization, to make the world a better place for all humanity.