Previous Trainings

Apply Now! 11-19 June 2022 – Training Course – Romania

Fill in the application form Apply Now! Facts: Dates: First trip: June 11-19 / Second trip: August: 6-14 Place: Bicycle, Lazareni, Bihor Romania Fee: this trainman in its all phases is free of charge. However, to apply, you need to become a member of Crossing Borders (pay the annual membership fee) and pay 500 DKK administration fee. All other expenses including travel and accommodation will be covered by the project.  Who can apply:  Residence in Denmark Works with youth, a youth leader, a social worker, NGO worker, Volunteer, community worker, etc..  Application Deadline: Sunday, June 5th, 2022 at 12:00 PM  Give yourself time and space to grow and fly. In simple words, that’s what preventive education is about. Nevertheless, it takes time and practice to assimilate prevention work and to deliver it to your beneficiaries, and that’s what we plan to do in this project. This project aims at bringing preventive education as close as possible to the final beneficiaries of this concept, namely teenagers. We invite you to join an intensive educational process on preventive education that consists of three phases: Phase 1: 11-19 June, Training Course in Romania. We will explore methods on preventive education and will discover others’ practice and expertise in addressing this topic with teenagers at a local level. We expect 3 participants / country. Phase 2: 20 June – 1 August. Local activities in each country, using the methods experienced in the Training Course. To be discussed during the TC. Phase 3: 6 – 14 August, YE in Romania with the youngsters who attended the local activities. One of the participants from the TC will be a national GL (Group Leader). Each national group is formed bye 4 pax + 1 GL. Each partner will select the group for the YE. The goal of this activity is to equip you with a very good understanding of the impact created by the prevention work among teenagers and on how this concept should be delivered. We will cover many topics, such as development of addictions, cycle of addictions, principles of prevention work, creation of preventive educational methods, local transferability. You, as a participant, will be part of a great opportunity to collecting relevant methods, tools, principles and other elements from those who are involved in this field. Important: This TC (Training Course) is dedicated to professionals who are active in youth work, education, teaching, social work, support services for young people, psychologists, youth leaders, facilitators, trainers, etc., and have a clear interest in exploring the topic of preventive education in general, and prevention of substance abuse in particular. For the TC we expect to have a group of motivated professionals who have experience in working with groups of youngsters and have organizational support for transferring the practice in their work. The working language will be English, therefore an average level of speaking, reading, and listening is desirable. Nevertheless, should any confirmed participant need support for translation and interpretation, we will be happy to assist with this aspect during the TC. What is expected from you: Homework: before arriving to the event, please prepare a research (no longer than one page), with the following elements: Describe what do you understand by `addiction`. Describe which do you consider that are the effects of tobacco/alcohol/cannabinoids on health, social and financial status (choose one substance). Indicate one national and EU programs on addictions implemented in your country. Send the homework to the facilitation team before the first day of the Training Course. It will be used as a basis for the intercultural learning process. Participation during the Training Course: Full attendance at sessions is mandatory and it is a condition for reimbursing of travel costs. Active involvement. During the week, you will be assigned with different roles that will stimulate the overall group dynamic. Stay tuned for more details Follow-up activities: the participants at the Training Course are expected to initiate: Minimum one local workshop using the methods used in the TC with their groups, to collect feedback and provide pictures from the activities. Dissemination of the TC and the learning outcomes, including the visual elements of the project and Erasmus+ Programme. We need this contribution as part of the visibility of the project. Each participant is expected to contribute to minimum one dissemination activity (details to be provided during the TC). Practicalities: Further practical information will be provided after the selection process of the participants is completed.  Location: we will stay in a rural area named Bicăcel (Lăzăreni), în Bihor County, 30 km away from Oradea, the main city nearby. We will be hosted in new wooden houses, with 2-3-4 beds in one room (single person beds). Each house is equipped with one bathroom and all needed facilities. Fill in the application form Apply Now! Do you have any question? Write to the project coordinator Catherine Namuswe on and she will provide further information. 

Apply Now! 11-19 June 2022 – Training Course – Romania Read More »

7 Days in Estonia – Apply now for this training opportunity, all expenses are covered

Call for Participants for a training course in Estonia about “Prevention Step by Step“ Dates: From 9 to 17 of April 2022 Place: Harjumaa, Estonia Summary    The topic of youth violence is of the big concerns among the youth workers, teachers and support workers on the global level. Children before their teens are frequent victims of domestic violence. The exact statistics are often hard to find, as around 60% of the presidents are left unreported or ‘swept under the carpet’. Partner countries represented on this project have cultural elements that are fueling the expression of violent behaviours: ●  Romania and Turkey are facing high level of domestic violence; ●  Latvia and Estonia are having a background of ethnicity related conflicts; ●  Italy, UK and Denmark have a long-lasting inner debate concerning the question of having a wide number of immigrants in the country, which is especially relevant throughout the Brexit campaign. Due to the relevance of the subject to the everyday work of the partners of this project – working with groups of young people, who are exposed or witness violence and abuse the idea was born to create a project to create/adapt/update methodology on prevention of abusive and violent behaviour among young people that would be effectively transferable to youth workers’ current work. More detailed information in the PDF below: To apply, please send an email to regarding this and we will take it from there. For more information or any questions , get in touch with Linda at

7 Days in Estonia – Apply now for this training opportunity, all expenses are covered Read More »

Training opportunity in Estonia from 2-9 February, 2022 – Apply now

Apply now! click here Green Start-ups What: Training from: 2nd – 9th February 2022 Where: Vijandi, Estonia Application deadline: 05 December 2021   We are always ready to amaze you! 😎  This time we do it with a long-term project that includes a cycle of 3 training courses.👆👆 The project fosters the creation of Green Start-ups among young people at a local level, by offering a 3-training cycle at international level, which will build on entrepreneurship, management and marketing competences, accompanied by local measures of meeting-feedback-networking-job shadowing-confrontation with the local business sector. 👏 The project aims to build and promote entrepreneurial skills in young people, starting with an entrepreneurial attitude, and apply it to solutions to today’s environmental challenges and ecological concerns of young people across Europe and beyond. 🍀 If you are that kind of person who wants to produce positive changes in the society, who believes that another way of doing business is possible, Who cares about the environment, Who has ideas and motivation… Who and what are we looking for? – 4 resident in Denmark between 17 and 30 years old – Strong motivation in the themes of the project – Medium-high level of English – Spirit of adaptability – lots of enthusiasm   What it includes? – food & accommodation – Travel costs – Mentoring & Support Apply now! click here The international consortium made up of 5 organisations based in Estonia, Italy, Denmark, Greece and Hungary, are selecting a total of 20 participants for the long-term project “GREENday – Youth Entrepreneurship, Environmental Start-Ups” granted in the frame of the KA2 Strategic Partnership for innovation. Any questions? Write to us directly Name * Email * Phone Message * Submit

Training opportunity in Estonia from 2-9 February, 2022 – Apply now Read More »

Migrant Tour – Training opportunity

English Below  Bliv kulturguide for dit lokale område på Nørrebro og styrk danske studerendes forståelse af andre kulturer og deres egen by! Migrantour er et ansvarligt turismeprojekt som findes i mere end 20 Europæiske byer. Nu åbner vi i København. Vi rekrutterer kandidater til en gratis træning i at guide danske skoleklasser rundt på Nørrebro fra migranters og flygtninges synsvinkel. Hvis du har baggrund som migrant eller flygtning kan du ansøge om at blive en del af Migrantours Nørrebro team. Få en unik mulighed for at vise danske studerende det multietniske Nørrebro og dets rolle i Københavns udvikling. Hvis du deltager i det gratis kursus vil du lære: – at tage lederskab og styre din gruppe. – Københavns og Nørrebros historie. – at undervise danske skoleklasser om de mange kulturer på Nørrebro.  – at fortælle en god historie og planlægge en rute.    Hvis du gennemfører det gratis træningsforløb, vil der være mulighed for job som betalt turguide for Migrantours.   Træningsperioden forventes at være januar-april 2022 og afholdes 1 gang om ugen. Hvis du er interesseret i kurset og vil være en del af det her spændende Europæiske projekt, skriv til for mere information!  Vi glæder os til at møde dig! Become a cultural guide for your local community in Nørrebro and improve Danish students’ intercultural understanding! Migrantours, a responsible tourism project operating in more than 20 cities across Europe, is starting in Copenhagen in 2022. Crossing Borders is now recruiting people for free training to become Migrantour guides! The idea is that people of migrant or refugee background show their city to Danish school classes, presenting a side of the city they maybe would not experience. By participating in the training, you will get a unique chance to educate Danish students about diverse cultures in Copenhagen and the central role of migration in the city’s heritage.  During the training course you will learn: – Leadership skills and group management.  – The history of Copenhagen and Nørrebro. – To educate Danish students about diverse cultures on Nørrebro.  – Storytelling skills and how to develop a whole new guided tour route.   After completing the training there will be an opportunity for paid jobs as a Migrantours guide. The training period is expected to be from January to April 2022 and will be held once a week.  If you are interested in the training and in launching this exciting European project in Copenhagen, write directly to for more information! We are looking forward to seeing you!   Know More about the Migran Tour Project around Europe Read More

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Open Call for Trainers for a Three Webinar Training Course – Apply Now

Location: Online When:  1. October 30.10.21 2.November 13.11.21 3.November 27.11.21 Seize the opportunity to take part in a three-day practical puppetry course led by Maria Schejbal-Cytawa. The course, titled, “Puppets in Action”, will show how to combine learning with fun, creativity, and self-development. Puppet theatre is practiced as an educational and therapeutic tool that helps to develop personal stories, express emotions, needs and thoughts, and to tackle sensitive issues. It motivates for change. The training involves manual labor in the form of creating a puppet, and brings immediate results, as well as a reward for involvement and undertaking the efforts. During three sessions (3 x 4 hours with an hour break between two sessions) the participants will learn how to: · build a simple puppet from ordinary materials and animate it, as well as to teach the others how to do so. · use different objects to enhance creativity, self-expression, and courage to take up new challenges. · apply the rules of non-verbal/visual storytelling for creating a theatrical piece and for working with the issues that vulnerable groups face. · design and implement workshops using the methodology of puppetry art and theatre storytelling. For those who are not familiar with puppetry art, it is usually something of a revelation that puppets can be as good in acting, as people (or even better!). They are unexpectedly easy to make, and they let us discover our own imagination and sensitivity. Simple objects and materials can be brought to life on stage, can represent any real or imaginary person/creature and any feeling, emotion, or phenomenon. Becoming alive and specific, they are at the same time metaphorical. This is the reason for why puppets are so useful in raising and discussing important issues (personal and social) on stage. They are also very good for involving in communication those who are shy or self-contained. One can always hide behind a puppet yet being able to express true feelings and emotions. SKILLS NECESSARY TO TAKE PART IN THE TRAINING FOR TRAINERS AND TO FURTHER USE PUPPETRY ART IN NON-FORMAL ADULT EDUCATION · Ability to communicate in English since the course will be run in English. · Leadership skills – ability to manage and improve group dynamics and to deal with obstacles and problems arising during group work since the participants are expected to implement the new method in their own countries. · General understanding of the use of artistic means of expression in education. · Basic skills to use computer and work on Zoom platform. COMMITMENTS NECESSARY TO TAKE PART IN THE WORKSHOP · Availability for all three trainings. · Access to necessary computer equipment and stabile internet connection. · Motivation to evaluate own learning process. · Readiness to work in the national team and provide national training in cooperation with respective project partner during first quarter of 2022. · Availability to participate in either meeting in Riga or Copenhagen to improve the training and skills of the trainers (financing for the trip provided by the respective national project partner). · Motivation to be in the leadership of the national trainers’ team and interest to share the skills for the benefit of vulnerable groups of people, especially of women that suffered the most during COVID-19 pandemic. · Consent to engage in promotion the activities in mass and social media A word from the workshop participant: I absolutely loved the workshop and the manner in which you led it, encouraging us all the way. It gives instant pleasure and takes the pressure off the participant. I think it`s very interesting that in the end we all felt so connected to our own puppets, we’d built a relationship with our crushed and twisted brown paper and string! We had created characters from such elemental materials that ended up being so important to us. Neil Packham Community Drama Director at Citizens Theatre, Glasgow, Scotland

Open Call for Trainers for a Three Webinar Training Course – Apply Now Read More »

Performance Art for Gender Equality – 4 days training

Dates: August 31 – September 3, 2021 Time: from 10.00 – 18.00 (including Dinner) Place: Copenhagen, Denmark: (Ubuntu House (Købmagergade 43) + Christianshavn Beboerhus (Dronningensgade 34) Are you interested to learn about gender and gender role? Are you interested in learning how to perform? Are you resident in Denmark? Then this is for you!! In our project Performance Art for Gender Equality (PAGE), we work to raise awareness about gender and gender equality through art performances. One of this project objectives is to build the capacity of youth workers  to use artistic methods to create dialogue and bridge intercultural divides related to gender Read more about the project As one of its activities, training for 4 days will be conducted and facilitated by Rebecca and Camilla where we will explore the concepts of gender and gender roles combined with an introduction to performances. In this training, we will use a variety of non-formal education methods and different exercises to approach those topics. As well as many practical exercises on performance. At the end of the training, you and the other 4 participants will design. Performance with the help of the facilitators to tackle an angle of this topic. This performance will be performed at least once before the end of September (the date TBD) Would you like to be part of this? This training is free of charge, all you need to do is to take a minute to fill in the form below. Apply Now! Click here to fill in the form Contact us if you have any questions!  Name * Email * Message * Submit

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Training Course 26.8 to 02.09 (2021) BERLIN, GERMANY To apply for this training you need to: Be a resident in Denmark Be between 18 – 30 years old Be interested in this topic Pay 500 DKK administration fee Become a member of Crossing Borders (if you are not) Fill in the application form Apply now About the training: This project was developed to, first of all, answer identified needs of partner organizations and youth workers, leaders and trainers and to support them in development of competences need for acting against hate speech targeting Muslim community in Europe. This project aims to empower both participants and partner organizations to stand against hate speech targeting Muslims, especially in online environments. Based on WE Can manual, training will propose a set of online and offline communication and educational approaches and tools to undermine discrimination expressed through hate narrative Apply now Travel and Responsibilities Reimbursement of travel costs will only be done upon full attendance in the training program 80%) and presentation of the original tickets with BOARDING PASSES and RECEIPT/INVOICES. Missing tickets will not be reimbursed. Following the guide lines of the Erasmus + program the travel must be realized by the participants on direct way within maximum 2 days before or after the project (this days ARE NOT COVERED BY THE PROJECT).In case of longer stays or indirect travelling (holiday travel etc.) there is no chance of reimbursement of travel costs. Please note if you bought your ticket in your local currency which might be different than EUR, we will calculate your travel costs according to the exchange rates from official European Commission website for the month of ticket purchase. Apply now Do you have a question? Name * Email * Phone Message * Submit


Great Debate Camp – 2021

A 5-day online debate camp for teenagers from Ukraine and Denmark, designed to develop a culture of debate and intercultural connections between young people. The camp is implemented within the framework of the Democracy Hub project. Context Modern society needs active citizens who think critically and have analytical skills, people who express their opinions and at the same time know how to hear the opinions of others. These basic skills are taught by the initiative within the project “Democracy Hub” – “Great Debate Camp”. Mission Create an environment for skills development, increased interest in democracy, human rights, strengthening youth leadership and active citizenship. Program Project dates: July 12-16, 2021. In the project, participants will learn how to: – debates arose and what is their value for society; – prepare a debate speech; – build arguments; – to develop public speaking skills; – to form a strategy of counterarguments; – become part of the dreamers and fighters of Klitschko Foundation and Crossing Borders community. In addition, participants talk to experts in the field of debate. Participants will be actively trained, so previous experience in the debate is optional. Fill in the application form Apply Now Application Form here The topic of the debate: “Democracy, human rights and social equality in the post-war period” The language of the program is English. Selection criteria: – to be a teenager aged 14-18; – be a citizen of Ukraine or Denmark; – filling in the questionnaire by 100%; – motivation to participate in the project; – speak English at the level of B1 / B2 (Intermediate). It is not necessary to have a certificate confirming the level of knowledge. Selection for a debate tournament The selection involves 2 stages: filling out a questionnaire and conducting a video interview. Application form for participation in the debate tournament Application deadline: June 30, 2021 until 18:00 inclusive. Video interview 40 candidates from Ukraine will be invited to participate in the 2nd stage of selection. The video interview will take place through the Zoom application. Fill in the application form Apply Now Application Form here Who can participate? Teens aged 14-18 from Ukraine and Denmark. Format Online, through the Zoom application Partners The project is implemented in partnership with Crossing Borders with CISU funding. Crossing Borders is a non-profit public organization that develops active citizenship among young people. CISU is an independent association of 280+ Danish NGOs involved in the development of regions such as Asia, Africa, Latin America and Eastern Europe. Contacts If you have any questions, please contact or write to our social networks on Instagram (@klitschkofoundation) and Facebook ( Fill in the application form Apply Now Application Form here

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Apply now!! 5 days camping on Ibiza island, Spain – Free Travel and accommodation

Training Course: Bio Construction towards personal & sustainable development Apply Now General Information: We are looking for 3 people to apply now for 5 days training course in San Carles de Peralta, Ibiza, Spain on Bio construction towards personal and sustainable development.  Important Notes: 1- The training will happen from May 17- 21, 2021. It is recommended that you arrive on the 16th and leave on the 22nd so you don’t miss any of the days. 2- Travel tickets will be fully recovered up to 360€. You have to buy your own tickets and we will reimburse you after the training is being completed. 3- Accommodation and food will be fully covered. However, you need to bring your own tent and sleeping stuff that makes you comfortable. read below for more information. 4- To participate, you have to pay only 500 DKK for administrative fees. (Unless you are already a Crossing Borders member) 5- To apply, you have to be living in Denmark. Below you can find more information on this training.  The objectives of the Bio Construction training are based on ecocentrism instead of anthropocentrism, an alternative perception of reality to which we aim to introduce youth workers via non-formal education focusing on permaculture principles and definitions. This approach aims to provide the participants with theoretical and practical tools to introduce ecological regenerative actions in everyday life, in the small habits that in the long term create a great change. The training will cover the following topics and be enriched by practical activities and reflection and sharing session: DAY 1  Introduction to bio construction and traditional techniques of earth and straw. Soil analysis and practical exercises to understand the triphasic nature of the land (liquid, plastic and solid) and its application in different construction systems. Practice: Making mixtures of soil for lightened quincha and for traditional quincha (thatch). DAY 2 Morning: Theoretical talk about the different types of quincha (thatch). Practice: preparation of supports for the later filling of “quinchas”: Placing the rolled thatch on wooden studs. Placing whole reeds for the traditional “quincha” on vertical posts. Preparation of mixture for lightened. Preparation of mud and straw mixture for traditional “quincha”. Afternoon: Exchange of groups and start of filling “quinchas”. DAY 3  Morning: Theoretical talk on the construction techniques of formwork straw and rolled straw. Practice in groups. Preparation of supports and formwork: Carrying out the rolled straw technique on whole canes and wall placement. Preparation of the mixture of straw with clay for formwork and placement in the formwork molds. Afternoon: Group exchange. DAY 4 COATINGS:  Morning: Theoretical talk. Lime cycle. Types of lime and its uses in heritage conservation. Practice: Analysis and cleaning of stone walls to restore. Carrying out different types of thick lime mortars for rendering. Grouting of the stone with lime. Application of lime plaster. Continuation of wall lifting. Afternoon: Group exchange. DAY 5  Morning: Theoretical talk. Soil plasters, natural additives, types of supports, and natural claw layers. Practice in groups: Preparation and application of thick plaster mixtures on quinchas (thatch). Possibility of making embedded shelves or other base decorative elements. Afternoon: Time to closing work and say goodbye of the course. Accommodation Accommodation and food will be fully covered. However, you need to bring your own tent and sleeping stuff that makes you comfortable. read below for more infomration.  This workshop will take place in the food forest of Asociación de Permacultura At Can Pulit in Asociacion de Permacultura de las Islas Pitiusas farming project in Ibiza. During your stay, you will be sleeping in your tents inside the food forest. It is necessary that you bring your own tent and outside sleeping material. Please bring what you need to be comfortable sleeping outdoors. Compost toilets and outdoor showers will serve our needs, and the forest provides many spaces for daily activities. Also please bring plant-based fully biodegradable toiletry (shampoo, soaps, toothpaste, etc.) so the water of the shower and the sink doesn’t harm nature. If you don’t have any, we can provide you a toiletry kit for 6€. The house on the farm provides us with a kitchen to cook our daily meals, which are healthy, mostly organic and self-grown, and vegan. If you have any allergies or intolerances, please inform us about it, so we can plan accordingly. It is our home and sacred space. It is important for us to know that you agree in spending so many days in such a simple basic way of life. AVERAGE IBIZA WEATHER IN APRIL. In May, temperatures range from 13 to 24 degrees. During the month of May, Ibiza has an average rain rate, around 12 mm. The wind is hot and dry. IN MAY The first hours of the day will ensure you wake up quietly and with temperatures ranging from 20°C to 24°C. Most of the time the mornings are bright, the sky is only rarely covered, and with light clouds that dissipate quickly. The temperature differences are slight during the day, as the temperature only rises a little. Because of this, you may experience some moderation throughout the day, especially if you are sensitive to cold. However, thanks to the absence of rain during the day, you can enjoy wonderful weather in Ibiza in May, when the sun will be shining. More concrete Information on accommodation and food will be provided if you are chosen to participate. More pictures and information from the host organisation Travel information  Our farm is located at San Carles de Peralta (Zip code: 07850) a small village of Santa Eulàlia des Riu, in the north of Ibiza. Travel tickets will be fully recovered up to 360€. You have to buy your own tickets and we will reimburse you after the training is being completed. More concrete information on Travel will be provided if you are chosen to participate. Apply Now! Apply Now Get in touch if you have any questions Name * Email * Phone Message * Submit

Apply now!! 5 days camping on Ibiza island, Spain – Free Travel and accommodation Read More »

Introduction to the business model – CANVAS Training

Under our project, Facilitating Supportive Spaces for Migrant Entrepreneurs, we will facilitate a number of sessions to empower entrepreneurs with tools to start their business ideas. This will be the first session. During this session, you will be introduced to the business model canvas, a tool that can be harnessed to visually represent the building blocks of a business. After a short pause, you will all get a pen and sheet of paper, and work together to map our ideas on the canvas. Apply Now Click here for the application About the facilitator Plamen Nikolov A CBS alumni and founder of a culinary project Vegan Culinaria, Plamen has experience in the process of bringing ideas to venture. He will share more about the first steps of starting up. Apply Now Click here for the application

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