Youth Promoting Peace and Tolerance in Zimbabwean Politics (I) – 4 H Zimbabwe Foundation 

The mission: 

Our mission in Zimbabwe is an indication to our commitment to fostering positive change. Through youth empowerment, peace promotion, and inclusivity advocacy, we aim to create a brighter future for this resilient nation. 

Empowering Youth Voices for a Peaceful and Inclusive Zimbabwe 

In Zimbabwe, a country full of young people with lots of energy and ideas, things need to get better. But the young voices that want to make a difference sometimes find it hard to be heard. This project wants to help these young leaders, bring together people from different political groups, and give everyone a chance to share their ideas in order to make Zimbabwe more peaceful place. 

Our partners: 

Our partners in the Zimbabwe project include local political parties, civil society organizations, the Parliamentary Youth Caucus, the Ministry of Youth, Sports, Arts and Recreation, the National Peace Reconciliation Commission (NPRC), and the Zimbabwe Youth Council (ZYC). Additionally, we collaborate with UN Women in Zimbabwe to support the empowerment of young women in leadership and electoral processes. 

Our goal: 

We expect a transformation to sweep across Zimbabwe, where politically engaged youth become ambassadors of peace, driving forward a new era of tolerance and understanding. Through dialogue, leadership training, and inclusive governance, we anticipate young women actively participating in shaping their nation’s future. Furthermore, we look forward to influencing policies that open doors for youth, ensuring their voices are heard and respected. This project is a catalyst for a more harmonious and inclusive Zimbabwe.  

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