CB news

Crossing Borders // Roskilde Festival 22

CROSSING BORDERS // GREEN DESIGN MARKET STAGE Will you be at Roskilde Festival this year? Stop by Green Design Market and share the days with us! Crossing Borders will be hosting the Green Design Market Stage, with the goal of continuing spreading awareness and engagement towards green sustainability. We provide a series of guest speakers and interactive workshops on upcycling and food waste. Check out the program for the 3 days and make sure to visit us if you are there! You also can find us in the Roskilde Festival App (under events). TALKS AND WORKSHOPS June 30 Thursday June 30 at 11.45How can I live sustainably? Talk with Karen Blincoe How youth can imbed sustainability both locally, nationally, and internationally – Inspirational talk with Karen Blincoe, an educator, and designer in sustainability issues. Thursday June 30 at 14.00″something old, something borrowed, something new”- Upcycling workshop Workshop with Céline Faty How we can make slow fashion using fast fashion? The goal of this workshop is to continue enjoying what we are wearing by giving them a second life through customization. Learn practically with Celine Faty July 1st Friday July 1st at 11.45Sustainability and Biodiversity Talk with with Henrik Helweg-Larsen How to balance a sustainable lifestyle with a biodiversity-friendly future? with Henrik Helweg-Larsen – Henrik is an organic farmer and an urban biodiversity project leader who is going to talk about our expectations regarding sustainability and how we can get some serious changes. Friday July 1st at 14.00″something old, something borrowed, something new”- Upcycling workshop Workshop with Céline Faty How we can make slow fashion using fast fashion? The goal of this workshop is to continue enjoying what we are wearing by giving them a second life through customization. Learn practically with Celine Faty July 2nd Saturday July 2nd at 11.45Growing Green Communities Talk with Bent Egberg Mikkelsen What tools do we need to create an urban garden in our communities? Bent Egberg Mikkelsen, a professor at Copenhagen University explains that. Saturday July 2nd at 14.00You won’t throw coffee anymore! Workshop with Giselle Medeiros Mesiara “Coffee, climate change, our pocket, and sustainability” Denmark ranks among the top ten coffee-drinking nations and each year the amount of coffee leftovers that end up in the bin is huge. Let’s learn about how the coffee ground can be used sustainably and how climate change impacts coffee cultivation. An interactive workshop with Giselle Medeiros Mesiara, Global Health, and Sustainability consultant.

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The key element in the “working together” recipe – PISH Project

Youth are leading the talks on the greatest challenges that the world is facing nowadays from climate change to social inequalities. These challenges are global and require collective effort in solving them. This implies that people from different backgrounds and cultures will have to work together in order to solve these problems. But what is the key element in the  “working together” recipe? Working together requires clear communication, and in this case, youth need to be competent in intercultural communication. In this context, students in STEM education, who are fighting climate change and other global challenges, need to develop competence in intercultural communication. However, their education is often focused on building their professional capacity, and most of the time cultural barriers prevent effective communication and collaboration. The PISH project (Problem-Based Learning, Intercultural Communications, and STEM in Higher Education) observed this problem and has brought partners around Europe skilled in Intercultural Communication within education together to build solutions that will enable students to develop competencies in intercultural communication in a peer-to-peer learning environment. The last meeting within this project took place in Volos, Greece where Emma – our EU program coordinator, and Aurore, from our communications team, attended. CB news The key element in the “working together” recipe – PISH Project June 22, 2022 Facebook Twitter Google+ Linked In Pinterest CB news We are partnering up with Transparency International Zambia on a new project – Check it out May 31, 2022 Facebook Twitter Google+ Linked In Pinterest CB news Update: leave no one behind – Localising the SDGs in Ghana April 8, 2022 Facebook Twitter Google+ Linked In Pinterest CB news And this is how we localize the SDGs! When people on the grassroots level can influence policymakers. April 1, 2022 Facebook Twitter Google+ Linked In Pinterest Check out the PISH project for more information Learn more

The key element in the “working together” recipe – PISH Project Read More »

We are partnering up with Transparency International Zambia on a new project – Check it out

With this goal in mind, to facilitate a civic contribution to strengthening accountable governance through building the capacity of CSOs and youth movements to conduct digitally-driven advocacy in Zambia, Crossing Borders (CB) and Transparency International Zambia (TI-Z) are putting hand in hand in a common project funded by CISU. The project’s purpose is to capacity build other civil society actors in Zambia on the use of digital tools, this will happen by achieving those 3 main objectives:   Conduct evidence-based analysis of the effects of COVID-19 restrictions on civic engagement as well as identification and utilization of civic engagement opportunities created by the change of government in Zambia. Strengthen the capacity of CSOs and youth groups to apply digital tools in their work. Facilitate collaboration between CSOs and youth groups in conducting digitally-driven advocacy for improved transparency and accountable governance through holding government and duty bearers accountable. The project mainly will work with Youths, CSOs, and the media in four districts in Zambia (Lusaka, Choma, Ndola, and Kabwe)  Youths, including local-level youth groups, as well as Secondary school and Tertiary level students.  CSOs, at a local level and focus on community engagement, governance, civic education, and accountable governance. Media, including journalists and other media partitioners working for Radio, Television, and Print media houses.  Stay tuned for more news from this project.  Check out our partners Know more about Transparency International – Zambia Click Here

We are partnering up with Transparency International Zambia on a new project – Check it out Read More »

Update: leave no one behind – Localising the SDGs in Ghana

CRS FOCAL PERSONS ZOOM TRAINING. As part of localizing the SDGs, 57 Community Radio Station youth focal persons and their station management members have been engaged in a 3 module zoom training workshop from 22nd to 31st March 2022 on the training handbook that has been developed. Our CRS focal persons deepened their understanding of the SDGs in the Global, National and Local context of ‘leave no one behind’. Analyzing through the illustration of the youth participation ladder, the different levels of youth inclusion in decision making and identifying the best method of youth empowerment in decision making and development. The training also covered the use of a democratic and all-inclusive approach in engaging community youth to select community youth task force members. A criterion for selecting beneficiary communities and Community Level Mini Projects) CLMPs were reviewed. Finally, participants also reflected on the most recurring and common prioritized SDGs as burning issues that are common to the various CRSs and their implications in the development of CLMPs, highlighting SDG #4 Quality Education, SDG#6 Water and Sanitation, SDG#8 Unemployment and SDG#13 Climate Action as the most recurring SDGs. PILOT OF A DEMOCRATIC YOUTH TASK FORCE SELECTION PROCESS As part of the CRSs Focal Persons Zoom Training on the Handbook, a pilot exercise on the selection of a youth task force using a democratic process was done in one of the Ghana Community Radio Network’s (GCRN’s) member Station; Radio Ada, based in the Greater Accra Region on 24th March 2022. The L-SDGs focal persons of Radio Ada led the project coordination team and CISU’s monitoring team to Ada-Foah, a community in Ada to test the effectiveness of a youth-led participatory engagement tool developed as part of the training handbook, aimed at facilitating a democratic process of selecting youth task force members to lead the localization of the SDGs in communities. This pilot exercise included both ‘In-school’ and ‘Out-of-school’ youth between 15 – 25 years of age. They set their criteria, nomination, and further balloting to elect 6 Youth Task Force members of 3 males, 3 females.  CISU MONITORING VISIT Administrative-wise, the Ghana Community Radio Network welcomed and two-member monitoring team from our funding partner organization, Civil Society in Development CISU from 23rd to 25th March 2022. The monitoring visit was aimed at engaging GCRN to understand its mode of operation and methodology in engaging Community Radio Stations to implement the L-SDGs project, to understand also the organizational and financial management systems of GCRN, and finally to know the status of implementation of the L-SDGs. This was done in a flexible dialogue, which fostered an open and productive dialogue between the two teams. The team also took time to visit the piloting of the Youth Task Force selection process in Ada-Foah on 24the March 2022 Don’t miss All CB news Blog When laws fail to stop hate speech – What can we do? well here is the answer! April 6, 2022 Facebook Twitter Google+ Linked In Pinterest CB news And this is how we localize the SDGs! When people on the grassroots level can influence policymakers. April 1, 2022 Facebook Twitter Google+ Linked In Pinterest Blog Where to start? Inspirational Talk about Entrepreneurship and results from our project FAMET March 24, 2022 Facebook Twitter Google+ Linked In Pinterest CB news April 07 – Connecting Youth Through Storytelling: A Conversation of Change Event March 22, 2022 Facebook Twitter Google+ Linked In Pinterest

Update: leave no one behind – Localising the SDGs in Ghana Read More »

And this is how we localize the SDGs! When people on the grassroots level can influence policymakers.

And this is how we localize the SDGs! When people on the grassroots level can influence policymakers. In Zambia, our partners Circus Zambia in the project Localising the SDGs started this process with the youth by addressing three main questions:What a policy is? Who are policymakers? andHow youths could have a concrete impact on policymaking? Yesterday, Thursday 31, Circus Zambia hosted the Policy Reflection Meeting. This comes as an opportunity for the youths to find support among partners and stakeholders in the creation of policies suggestions that might increase the visibility of SDGs in Zambia. The meeting was joined by BORDA ZAMBIA and SISTAH-SISTAH FOUNDATION, and some representatives from UN Zambia and SDG in Centro Africa, two of the main entities that promote the visibility of SDGs in the country. Our task force is now ready to face one of the last phases of the two cycles of the SDGs. Don’t miss All CB news Project Result A guide to Localising the SDGs from Uganda March 25, 2022 Facebook Twitter Google+ Linked In Pinterest Blog Where to start? Inspirational Talk about Entrepreneurship and results from our project FAMET March 24, 2022 Facebook Twitter Google+ Linked In Pinterest CB news April 07 – Connecting Youth Through Storytelling: A Conversation of Change Event March 22, 2022 Facebook Twitter Google+ Linked In Pinterest Up-Coming Events April 07 – The Ukraine-Russia Crisis: Update, Reflections and Perspectives March 22, 2022 Facebook Twitter Google+ Linked In Pinterest

And this is how we localize the SDGs! When people on the grassroots level can influence policymakers. Read More »

Partners meeting in Accra, Ghana – Localising the SDGs

From the 16th to 21st of February, 2022, our partners Open Space Forum from Uganda and Circus Zambia from Zambia were in Accra, ghana hosted by the Ghana Community Radio Network. This comes as an important step in our common project Localising the SDGs in Ghana, Uganda, and Zambia. The purpose of this partner’s meeting was to share knowledge, experiences, strategies, and inputs from the different situations in each country. During this week, the partners, along with the local community, Radio stations members, community TV stations, have got the chance to be part of various activities and events including marking World Radio Day. The partners also took part in discussions about the role of radio in fostering people’s right to information regarding the SDGs. In addition to this, the partners highlighted the importance of community radios in facilitating the participation of communities in their own development, and finally giving Community Radio participants the experience of assessing, evaluating, and co-creating the appropriate Youth Parliament model that works best for Ghana Community Radio Network member stations and the communities that they serve. Update on the Youth parliaments The model youth Parliament of Damongo working with PAD FM (the Damongo community radio) held their maiden youth Parliament session on Monday the 21st February 2022. 46 participants from 23 GCRN members stations and other community members gave an audience to the Youth Parliament session made up of 6 caucuses representing 6 communities who met to deliberate on SDG 4 Quality education and featured the views, burning issues, and proposed solutions of their communities. Don’t miss Crossing Borders Blog Human Rights, Climate Refugees and Third-Culture Child! Key words from the FFT with Yasmin Abdel-Hak February 18, 2022 Project Result Infographics – 4 project results that will help migrant’s startups February 7, 2022 CB news Building more Democracy Hubs in Ukraine February 3, 2022 Project Result Infographics – Equal Rights for Women and Girls in Zambia – Project results January 17, 2022 Become a member Support us – Donate

Partners meeting in Accra, Ghana – Localising the SDGs Read More »

Building more Democracy Hubs in Ukraine

Expanding Crossing Borders Youth Democracy Hubs in Ukraine We at Crossing Borders are truly delighted to announce the launch of our new Democracy Hubs Ukraine project funded by the New Democracy Fund under International Media Support and our Ukrainian partner Klitschko Foundation. The purpose of the Democracy Hubs in Ukraine is to facilitate the development of a democratic culture, communication, dialogue, debate skills, respect for human rights, and active citizenship among youth in four selected regions across Ukraine. The new project builds and expands on the fruitful partnership between Crossing Borders and Klitschko Foundation in the democracy hub for youth in the capital with a grant from the Danish Civil Society Fund since December 2020. The core of the project is to provide spaces, capacity building, and coaching for Ukrainian youth to set up, manage and further develop inclusive democracy hubs with training, seminars, workshops, online courses, regional debate camps, community cafés, and exchange with fellow Danish youth. At least 120 youth are expected to be directly part of this project as participants and leaders of the Hubs in Chernigiv, Kharkiv, Kherson, and Rivne. The project aim is expected to expand and strengthen Danish-Ukrainian partnerships in relevant fields. Thus, Crossing Borders and Klitschko Foundation are eagerly looking forward to kicking off the project activities together with Ukrainian and Danish youth. Don’t miss Project Result Infographics – Equal Rights for Women and Girls in Zambia – Project results January 17, 2022 Project Result Infographics – Updates from our project in India January 10, 2022 Project Result Infographics – Youth Ambassadors for Peace Project Results January 5, 2022 Support our work Become a member

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A Summary of what happened on CB Annual Assembly 2021

CB annual assembly 2021 on 24 November at 17.00 – 20.00 – Meeting chair: Nyeleti Sue Angel Nkuna. Meeting secretary: Garba Diallo. https://usercontent.one/wp/crossingborders.dk/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/annual-assembly-video.mp4 The meeting started with a Crossing Borders song composed by singer, songwriter, and actor Pernille Tolou Isedora Johansson. That uplifting song was followed by a warm welcome remark by CB Executive Board Chair Vibeke Quaade, who highlighted the big strides CB has made in the past 4 years in human and financial resources, a number of projects, partnerships, and global outreach. She thanked the CB team for making this progress possible. After Vibeke, it was the tour of CB Director Garba Diallo to welcome and ask each person to say her/his name and citizenship. With 60 participants, some 40 nationalities from all over the world were represented. This was yet a testimony that CB is walking to the talks of global connectedness in practice. As in the principle of Ubuntu, we are of one another and are united in our humanity and diverse in our cultures, opinions, and perspectives. Garba also made it clear that like everyone else, CB has been affected by the Corona pandemic, but fortunately, we were able to look at the bright side of the lockdown by seizing the opportunities provided by the various online platforms to continue our activities to reach out to benefit more people in more countries. The next speaker was Dr. Hamed Samay, who was recently rescued from Afghanistan. Dr. Hamed presented the idea of launching a Crossing Borders Program for Afghanistan whose purpose is to help educate young Afghans in Critical Thinking, Creativity, Cooperative and Communication skills. Dr. Hamed asserted that young Afghans have and are using their voices both inside and outside of Afghanistan, what they need are loudspeakers from the international community to amply those voices, that are defying the Taleban rule. The meeting unanimously approved the idea of starting the Afghanistan program in Crossing Borders. The next point was the presentation of the plan to merge 100% for Children organisation with Crossing Borders. The plan was jointly presented by CB Director Garba Diallo and 100% for Children Director Camilla Legendre. The purpose of the merger is to pool our resources together to make a bigger and more sustainable impact both in Denmark abroad. The meeting supported to plan. The next item was a very interactive speed dating report by Crossing Borders Program Coordinators: Tatjana Stefanovic, Omar Al Sayed, Aisha Tambajang, and Emma Hyland. Each program had a stand with digital and print materials, stories from the fields about the many projects we implement in Denmark, Europe, Africa, and the Caucasus. The attendees were divided into four groups and each group visited a stand, heard presentations, and asked questions, made comments, and took materials about the different projects. These vivid presentations were followed by presentations by our partners from Ukraine about the Kyiv Democracy Hub and our Zambian partners about the Anchoring SDGS Model in Civil Society in Ghana, Uganda, and Zambia consortium. Their presentations included videos and testimonies. Our Ukraine project was represented by the director of Klitschko Foundation Angelina Osadcha and project manager Vasiliy Teremta while our Africa consortium was represented by the Director of Circus Zambia Charlotte Groen.  The next point was a powerful intersectional Poetry by Atiyo Muse from Djibouti. People were very moved by the power of Atiyo’s slam poems. Now it was CB Director’s turn again to present the Annual financial update for 2021, budget forecast, and membership for 2022. For financial update, although we are doing fine for this year and hope to build on the small surplus from 2020. Garba added that CB is still heavily dependent on project funding, which is true for all Danish NGOs. He added that this year, we expanded our strategic partnerships with more universities and are in the process of diversifying our financial sources. These efforts refer especially to scaling up of our Food for Thought, School Services, Consultancy offerings, membership recruitments, fusion with 100% for Children, and the launch of the Afghanistan program. Please, details in the executive summary about the foreseen strategic priorities for 2022.  Garba’s report was followed by a secret election of new board members for which each candidate had one minute to present themselves, their vision for CB, and what they intend to contribute to CB. Four candidates were up for elections and two were up for re-election. New candidates were Erik Grootveld, Mignote Mesfin, Nyeleti Sue Angel Nkuna and Phaedria St. Haire while the two for re- elections were Vibeke Quaade and Helene Guldberg. The results of the elections were as follows: Mignote Mesfin, Nyeleti Sue Angel Nkuna, Phaedria St. Haire, and Vibeke Quaade were elected to the CB Executive Board while Helene Guldberg and Erik Grootveld were elected substitutes.  Now people were ready for a special dinner prepared by Eden Girma from Eritrea, Soria from Afghanistan, and Yasmine from Pakistan, plus special ginger and hibiscus drinks prepared by Aisha Tambajang from Gambia and carrot cakes by Catherine Namuswe from Uganda. While having delicious dinner, the attendees mingled and networked late into the night. You might also like to read: All CB news Crossing Borders Blog edit post CB news We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year! December 22, 2021 0 Dear Crossing Borders supporters,Despite the global pandemics of inequity, negative climate change, forced migration, and Covid, in its many variants,… Read more edit post Training opportunity in Estonia from 2-9 February, 2022 – Apply now November 20, 2021 edit post Migrant Tour – Training opportunity November 11, 2021 Recipes became policies! from the kitchen to the city hall – the story of Franciska Rosenkilde November 9, 2021 The power of volunteerism, a story from South Dakota – By Lavinia Ortu November 4, 2021

A Summary of what happened on CB Annual Assembly 2021 Read More »

We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year!

Dear Crossing Borders supporters, Despite the global pandemics of inequity, negative climate change, forced migration, and Covid, in its many variants, we have made great progress in our programs both in Denmark and across the globe. We are only getting more determined in our mission to empower youth to take leadership for a positive change for a more sustainable world. In Denmark, we reached more students/youth this year through our School Workshops and our Action Hub project. Internationally, with our partners around the world, we built Democracy Hubs in Ukraine, Youth Task Forces and Youth Parliaments in Ghana, Uganda, and Zambia to advocate for the SDGs, Peace Ambassadors in Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine. More educators have been equipped to educate students about active citizenship, inclusion and sustainability around Europe. Our projects empowered women in rural areas in India, and girls in Morocco – And much, much more… Your support made all this possible. For this, we would like to sincerely THANK YOU for your support in 2021! Our work is far from done! Now more than ever, we need your support for Crossing Borders to continue expanding our outreach to serve more youth and educators in more places around the world. We wish you and your beloved ones a happy and healthy Christmas and peaceful 2022 and beyond. Crossing Borders You might also like to read: Recipes became policies! from the kitchen to the city hall – the story of Franciska Rosenkilde The power of volunteerism, a story from South Dakota – By Lavinia Ortu “If I stay in Afghanistan I will most likely be killed, but if I leave Afghanistan, I will kill myself…” – Dr. Abdul Samay Hamed on Food For Thought “For God forbid that you can be Muslim, black and female” About Intersectional Feminism What did the Danish Minister of Development do at the Ubuntu House? Our trip to Dubrovnik was remarkable! Here is what we did

We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year! Read More »