Crossing Borders

Free School Meals for a Greener World and Brighter Futures

Imagine a world where school meals aren’t just plates of food; they’re exciting adventures served with a side of sustainability. With schools adopting longer schedules and students desiring for healthy, sustainable meal options, the conversation on school lunches has never been more crucial.  Denmark, known for its liberal approach to school lunches, faces a pivotal moment. The country has the unique opportunity to redefine its approach to school meals, integrating nutrition, learning, and sustainability. On 29 September At the School Food Forum at the Frederiksberg City Hall a group of experts, educators, policymakers, and our dedicated team at Crossing Borders gathered to discuss and co-create the future of school meals in Denmark.  The day started with the energy of young minds in the Young People’s Foodlab, showcasing innovative proposals for green food solutions. This demonstrated how project-based learning and youthful creativity can integrate into sustainability education. The event was also graced by Jacob Jensen, Minister for Food, Agriculture, and Fisheries, who set the stage with insights into the past, present, and future of school meals in Denmark.   As for the Crossing Border’s presence at the event, We were proudly presenting “Growing Green Communities” program. This initiative is more than just a project, it’s a vision for a healthier, sustainable future. “Growing Green Communities” Project aims to understand the pathways of change in urban food production and consumption, we encourage young people to support communities in initiating urban gardening projects. It’s about empowering young gardeners, promoting plant-powered diets, and supporting local food heroes. Through this initiative, every meal becomes an opportunity for learning, fostering a deeper connection between food, sustainability, and community.  The event culminated in a powerful discussion about the significance of healthy school lunches and different perspectives of school food policies, involving CB team members from various countries. It showcased Crossing Borders’ commitment to diversity, inclusivity, and the belief that every child deserves access to nutritious meals for a brighter future.  Our presence at this event symbolizes our dedication to shaping a world where education, nutrition, and sustainability intersect harmoniously. The importance of providing healthy meals lies at the heart of Crossing Borders’ mission, because at Crossing Borders, every meal is a story, and every story is a step towards a better, greener world. Written By: Luka Tsibadze

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Diversity Workshop

What comes to your mind when you hear about Diversity? I had the opportunity to participate in the Crossing Borders workshop on “Diversity” for Japanese youth, and I must say it was an enriching experience. As a member of the Crossing Borders team, this workshop allowed me to interact with people from Japan for the first time, and it was both exciting and eye-opening. Prior to this workshop, my knowledge of Japanese culture was primarily limited to what I had seen in movies, which had always fascinated me.    日本語訳(in Japanese):   「ダイバーシティ」と聞いて何を思い浮かべますか?私は日本人の若者を対象とした”Diversity Workshop(多様性をテーマにしたワークショップ)”に参加する機会がありました。Crossing Bordersの一員として、このワークショップを通して初めて日本人と交流する機会が得られ、それは非常に楽しくまた目を見張るようなものでした。参加する前の私の日本に関する知識といえば主に映画の中で見たことに限定されますが、それはいつも私を魅了していました。  One aspect of the workshop that I particularly enjoyed was the various activities that were designed to facilitate our interactions and encourage us to express our opinions on what diversity means to us. Among these activities, the one that stood out to me the most was the exercise where we formed a line in the room and positioned ourselves based on whether we agreed or disagreed with a given statement. This activity was promoting discussion and self-reflection.   日本語訳(in Japanese):  このワークショップで取り組んだ様々なアクティビティは交流を促進し、また多様性が私たちにとってどんな意味があるのか活発に意見を出し合えるように工夫されていました。私にとって最も印象的だったのは、初めに部屋の中心で一列に並び、お題(自身の多様性に関する経験・考え方)を聞いて自分の賛成度・反対度に合わせて移動するアクティビティです。この活動を通して互いに話し合い、また自分自身の経験を振り返ることができたように感じます。 What made this activity special was the freedom it gave us to adjust our positions as we heard different opinions from our fellow participants. It encouraged us to actively listen to one another and be open to changing our perspective when we resonated with someone else’s point of view. This dynamic approach created an environment where diversity of thought was not only acknowledged but celebrated. It reminded me that diversity is not just about our backgrounds or identities but also about the diversity of ideas and perspectives that everyone brings to the table  日本語訳(in Japanese):  この活動では他の参加者の意見を聞いて自由に自分の位置を移動することができました。そのため、互いの意見にしっかりと耳を傾け、他者の視点に共感した時に柔軟に自分の視点を変化させることが促されており、多様な考え方が認められるだけではなく歓迎される環境が作り出されました。「多様性」とは私たちの生い立ちやアイデンティティだけを指すのではなく、自身の意見や視点の多様性も含まれていることに気づかされました。 Perspective from CB member from Japan   I was in charge of translation into Japanese for the first time. I found some words, for instance, “intersectionality” and “inclusion” are difficult to translate directly because these concepts haven’t been widely used in Japan yet. This experience once again made me realized that Japan is pretty much behind in terms of diversity. I think that people in Japan know that Diversity is a “good thing” and have a partial understanding of it, but do not understand completely and do not put into practice enough. As the saying goes, “出る杭は打たれる(the nail that sticks out gets hammered down)”, there is a tendency to prefer to behave like others in order not to attract attention by behaving differently. I think this makes it difficult to promote diversity.   The workshop provided a fantastic opportunity to think about ways to foster diversity in Japan. After enjoying various games, we had discussions like “Besides fun, what was the point of the activity?” and “How do you think it could relate to diversity?”. At that time, participants realized that these activities were intended to help them experience diversity to deepen their understanding of it.   In the final activity, our team difined diversity as a “Rainbow”, because everyone has different “colors” but in the end, they come together to create something beautiful like a reainbow. I believe that respecting people’s differences and cooperate together with taking advantage of differences can make our society much better.    日本語訳(in Japanese):  Crossing Borders 日本人メンバーより  初めて日本語翻訳を担当しました。特に「intersectionality(交差する多様性)」や「inclusion(包摂)」のような単語は、概念が日本でまだ十分に普及していないため直訳が難しいと感じました。そこで改めて日本が多様性の面でかなり遅れていることを実感しました。日本の人々は多様性が「良いものだ」と理解しているとは思いますが、完全に理解しておらず、充分に実践できていないように思います。「出る杭は打たれる」という諺の通り、他者からの注目を浴びないように他の人々と同じように振る舞う傾向があります。これが多様性の普及を妨げていると考えます。  私にとってこのワークショップは日本で多様性を促進する方法について考える素晴らしい機会でした。様々なゲームを楽しんだ後、「楽しい以外に、このゲームの目的は何でしょうか?」「このゲームが多様性とどのように関連すると思いますか?」といった話し合いの時間がありました。その時初めて、参加者はこれらのゲームが多様性を体験し、多様性をより深く理解するために意図されていることに気付くのです。  最後の活動で私たちのチームは多様性を「虹」と定義しました。それは誰もが異なる「色」を持っていて、最終的に虹のように美しいものになるからです。私は人々の違いを尊重し、違いを活かして協力することで良い社会になると考えています。 Overall, the Crossing Borders workshop on “Diversity” for Japanese youth was a fantastic experience that allowed me to broaden my horizons and gain a deeper appreciation for the importance of embracing diversity in all its forms. I believe that workshops like these are instrumental in promoting understanding and inclusion. I am grateful for the opportunity to have been a part of it and to capture through my photography these beautiful interactions.  日本語訳(in Japanese):  今回のワークショップ全体を通して自分自身の視野を広げ、あらゆる多様性を受け入れる重要性を深く理解することができました。私はこのようなワークショップが多様性に関する理解を深め、互いの違いを認め合い協力することを促進する機会になると信じています。今回参加できたこと、そしてこのような美しい交流を写真に収める機会が与えられたことに感謝しています。 Authored by Lustin Baisan  and Eimi Yamashita

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Capacity Strengthening for Changemakers – Teach the Child, Nigeria  

Our mission:   A 3 days’ workshop in Copenhagen facilitated by Crossing Borders on Organization development and non-formal education methodologies and a 3-day workshop in Nigeria to equip the staff of Teach the Child Initiative and public-school educators with the tools necessary to improve learning outcomes in young learners, particularly those who attend public education institutions. This exercise will influence every other project implemented that target contributing to the achievement of goal 4 of the Sustainable Development Goals -Quality Education.   The importance of quality education in Nigerian context  Teach the Child began as a solution to the public education crises in Nigeria during the COVID-19 pandemic. With the shutdown of schools experienced all around the world because of lockdown policies, students from low-income earning families who attend public schools in Nigeria did not have access to online learning like their counterparts in private schools.  Our partner:   This is the first time CB and Teach the Child partner on a project together. It is a first step torwards both organizations building a sustianble future under SDG 4, Quality Education and SDG 17 for Partnerships and goals. Both CB and Teach the Child share a common strategic goal of “educating, connecting and empowering youth to take an active role in their societies”, providing a strong foundation for a continued partnership for the benefit of community members in the project area.  Our goal:   This project will mobilize and engage several stakeholders comprising of distinguished policy advocates, educational development professionals, local educational boardgames and community engagement specialists who have worked in the humanitarian and development sectors in Nigeria to contribute and to benefit from the workshops. Secondary beneficiaries are the children in the classrooms which make up of at least 800 children in the 1st school year.  

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Empowering Girls Dialogue – Project Soar, Morocco 

Our Mission  The mission of the Empowered Girls Dialogue II (EGD II) project is to empower marginalized Moroccan teen girls with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to advocate for their rights. We aim to provide them with the tools and opportunities they need to become leaders, advocates, and catalysts for change within their communities.  Empowering Moroccan Teen Girls: Breaking Barriers, Shaping Futures  In Morocco, teen girls from marginalised areas face significant challenges such as school dropouts, child marriage, early motherhood, and gender-based violence. These obstacles hinder their full participation in society and preserve inequality. EGD II aims to address these issues by giving girls a voice, enhancing their leadership skills, and empowering them to challenge detrimental practices against girls and women.  Our Partner   We are partnering with Project Soar (PS) for the Empowered Girls Dialogue II (EGD II) project. Project Soar is a registered girls’ rights and empowerment organization with a proven track record in Morocco. Their deep understanding of Morocco’s cultural context and commitment to gender equality make them a valuable partner in this project. We are committed to using our combined skills, expertise, and resources to make a positive impact on the lives of Moroccan teen girls.  Goal of the  EGD II Project  The Empowered Girls Dialogue II (EGD II) project aims to improve the lives of marginalized Moroccan teen girls. The project has two main goals:  To empower teen girls and enhance their leadership skills so that they can become active citizens, decision-makers, and advocates for their futures.  To provide teen girls with a platform and voice within their communities to challenge repressive customs and ideologies that maintain gender-based discrimination and inequality.  The EGD II project believes that through education, dialogue, and empowerment, it can help create a brighter and more equitable future for Morocco’s teen girls, their families, and their communities. 

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Youth 4 Democracy – YPE and ICPI, Georgia

Our mission:  Our mission is to foster youth empowerment, democratic values, and active civic engagement among Georgia’s youth. Through innovative capacity-building and knowledge exchange, we aim to create a vibrant platform for collaboration, learning, and dialogue among youth, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), and local government youth departments, strengthening Georgia’s civil society and democratic progress.  A Need for Inclusive Youth Empowerment:  In Georgia, where democratic reforms have set the stage for a more accountable public system, there is a critical need to engage and empower the youth population. To transform these reforms into meaningful action, we require the inclusion and active participation of young people. This project seeks to address this need by enhancing regional coordination platforms, providing necessary tools and knowledge, and fostering collaboration among youth, youth workers, CSOs, and local government youth departments. Our aim is to bridge knowledge gaps in local governments, increase youth representation in development and decision-making processes, and mobilize and empower communities and youth for sustained dialogue and impact.  Our goal:  We expect to see the emergence of a robust network of engaged and empowered youth, CSOs, and local government youth departments. This network will facilitate the development of effective municipal youth policies and genuine partnerships. By fostering collaboration, building capacities, and sharing knowledge, our aim is to create a sustainable model that strengthens youth participation, promotes democratic values, and leads to lasting impacts in Georgia’s communities. 

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Democracy Hubs Ukraine – Klitschko Foundation, Ukraine

Mission:   Our mission is to empower young people in Ukraine by creating Democracy Hubs where they can learn about democracy, communication, dialogue, debate skills, human rights, and active citizenship. We aim to advance a culture of democracy and inspire youth to become engaged citizens.    Empowering Youth Civic Engagement: Democracy Hubs for Change in Ukraine   This project is crucial given recent findings that reveal a lack of interest among young Ukrainians in politics and civic activities, with only 1.3% participating in community initiatives. The Democracy Hubs, set up in regions like Chernigiv, Kharkiv, Kherson, and Rivne, where civic engagement is weak, offer an opportunity for youth to become active and informed citizens. This project aligns with UNDP’s recognition of the importance of youth participation for societal development and human rights protection. By promoting inclusivity, gender equality, and environmental awareness and collaborating with local partners, schools, and alumni networks, it aims to encourage youth interest in democratic processes and community involvement, ultimately supporting for a more vibrant and participatory Ukrainian society.    Our Partner:    We’re working together with the Klitschko Foundation, a NGO in Ukraine that cares about young people and wants to help them succeed. This project builds upon the successful partnership between Crossing Borders (CB) and the Klitschko Foundation (KF), which established the Democracy Hub Kyiv in 2020. Our  collaboration with the Klitschko Foundation (KF) is based on a successful track record. KF has received positive feedback from youth and other organizations involved in the Democracy Hub Kyiv project.    Our Goal:   The project’s primary goal is to educate and empower  Ukrainian youth aged 14 to 19 by promoting active citizenship, democratic values, and civic engagement. It aims to nurture democratic values, encourage active engagement, and encourage discussions on diversity, gender equality, life balance, and environmental sustainability, aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals. Additionally, the project addresses the impact of evolving media on democracy and equips young participants with media literacy skills.

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Kyiv Democracy Hubs – Klitschko Foundation, Ukraine

Mission  Our mission is to create a Democracy Hub in Kyiv, where young Ukrainians can learn about democracy and how to be active citizens. We want to empower Ukrainian youth to become informed, confident, and civic-minded leaders, encouraging positive change in local communities and contributing to Ukraine’s democratic landscape through innovative educational programs and a supportive community space.  Democracy Hub: A Space for Youth to Learn, Lead, and Grow  The Democracy Hub addresses the concerning disinterest in politics and civic disengagement among young Ukrainians, as revealed by 2017-2018 surveys where only 1.3% participated in community initiatives. This underscores the need for spaces promoting civic education and engagement. Recognizing active youth participation as crucial for societal development and human rights, the project empowers young Ukrainians, encouraging dialogue, imparting civic skills, and addressing local and global challenges. Aligned with eco-conscious practices, it also raises awareness of climate issues and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  Our Partner  For this project, we are partnering with Klitschko Foundation (KF), a distinguished Ukrainian charitable organization. At Crossing Borders (CB), we share common goals with KF in promoting youth empowerment and civic education. Combining CB’s experience in project management and initiatives like the Great Debate Camp (GDC) with KF’s extensive network and education-focused projects, together, we aim to create the Democracy Hub – a platform empowering young Ukrainians to engage in democracy and build essential skills for active participation in society.  Our Goal  The primary goal of our project is to empower and engage Ukrainian youth, aged 14-19, in promoting democracy, active citizenship, and leadership within their communities who can positively impact their society and advocate for democratic values and inclusion.  Through capacity building trainings, the Great Debate Camp, and the establishment of the Democracy Hub in Kyiv, we aim to equip young Ukrainians with essential skills, critical thinking abilities, and a sense of social responsibility. We also intend to create an extensive online platform for youth networking and knowledge sharing, promoting a sense of interconnectedness and enabling them to address local, national, and global challenges.  

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Democracy Debate Hub – MilleniuM, Moldova

Our Mission:  The Democracy Debate Hub project is committed to empowering at least 150 young people between the ages of 14 and 20 in Moldova with essential communication, collaboration, and debating skills, enabling them to navigate the complex world of information, propaganda, and fake news. Through engaging debates and inclusive learning, the project aims to promote youth engagement and inclusivity, ultimately strengthening the foundations of democracy in Moldova.  Empowering Moldovan Youth: Strengthening Democracy and Critical Thinking  The Democracy Debate Hub project is important for Moldova, a country facing challenges in the information era. Many young people here struggle to tell what’s true from what’s not in a world full of misleading information. The project helps Moldovan youth develop important skills like critical thinking and communication. It also creates 15 Democracy Debate Hubs across Moldova where young people can come together to discuss important topics. The project hopes to make Moldova’s democracy stronger and bring young people from different backgrounds closer together.  Partnership   The Democracy Debate Hub project is a collaboration between Crossing Borders and the MilleniuM Training and Development Institute, two organizations with a shared commitment to youth empowerment and democracy-building. This partnership is built on the success of previous initiatives, such as the Youth Ambassadors for Peace project in 2018-2020.  Our Goal  Our primary aim is to establish a network of 15 Democracy Debate Hubs, managed by skilled coordinators, across Moldovan communities. Over 10 months, we intend to train 15 coordinators from diverse backgrounds to initiate and oversee these hubs. These hubs will be set up in schools, youth centers, and youth councils, serving as platforms to promote democracy and civic engagement among young people. Our goal is to empower over 150 young participants with critical thinking, public speaking, and a deep understanding of democracy, enabling their active participation in democratic processes. 

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Armenia Meeting Point – ACGRC Armenia

The mission:   Our mission is to create a platform for awareness, learning, collaboration, and dialogue among 15 Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), Community-Based Organizations (CBOs), and media outlets in Armenia. Capacity building and knowledge exchange through a new innovative learning platform, to foster good practices and collaborations which will strengthen the civil society of Armenia.   Stronger civil society needed:  In recent history, civic society space of Armenia is very challenged from the background of war and conflicts. The country is a very young democracy, with more need for a strong civil society space now than ever. The intervention will raise awareness and create new opportunities for cross-sector collaboration based on common interests with different types of actors. The platform connects members of CSOs, CBOs and media outlets to find common goals and collaborations.   Our partner:   Analytical Centre on Globalization and Regional Cooperation (ACGRC), a leading advocate for democracy in Armenia. ACGRC is a frontrunner in promoting democracy and civil society in Armenia. Our partnership has been strengthened through previous collaborations, notably the Youth Ambassadors for Peace consortium, where we empowered Armenian youth to become peace ambassadors.  Goal of the Armenia Meeting Point (AMT):   We expect this intervention to not only enhance our individual organizations’ capabilities but also further solidify our partnership. Both CB and ACGRC share a commitment to creating spaces for dialogue and active citizenship. Our mutual dedication to fostering positive change in Armenia’s civil society will create a brighter future for Armenians and ability to strengthen democratic values and dialogue.

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Enhanced Citizen Participation Through Sustainable Community Radio Stations – ZACRAS Zimbabwe 

Capacity building and developing six community radio stations that provide target communities with important information and platforms so they can take part in socio-economic and democratic political spaces.  The mission: Strengthening the civic space through community radio stations, they are important in Zimbabwe because they provide critical information and platforms for marginalized communities, allowing them to participate in socio-economic and democratic processes. These stations are essential for promoting social justice by giving voice to underrepresented groups and fostering inclusive sustainable development. However, these newly licensed community radios face various challenges, including governance, content creation, and financial sustainability.  The important role of Community Radio Stations in Zimbabwe:  This intervention takes place in a context where political power has long been dominated by the Zimbabwe African National Union – Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF). Zimbabwe has experienced economic instability, food insecurity, and limited civic space over the years. This shrinking civic space undermines democracy, independence, and anti-corruption efforts, posing challenges to promoting the rule of law and accountable institutions in Zimbabwe.  Our partner:   This is the first time the partners will be making a project together. The partners have come to know each other through a common acquaintance in the Ghana Community Radio Network (GCRN), with whom Crossing Borders have made projects for many years. ZACRAS and GCRN share a common mission as association network organisations for community radio stations in their respective countries.  Our goal: The community radio stations will produce content focusing on human rights and community radio advocacy. They’ll serve as platforms for citizens to interact with those responsible for solutions in areas of development and governance. Throughout the project, ZACRAS will monitor and evaluate progress both in person and online. 

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